Use "may|might" in a sentence

1. We use Could, may and might to express degrees of possibility

2. It may cringe away, or if cornered might bare its teeth unexpectedly.

3. Honest failures may be caused by accumulated minor errors in units -- sub-units might get lost, for instance, or equipment might fail.

4. This may encourage her to Breastfeed when she might otherwise never even start

5. Jurgen may be right, but we might not be able to prove it.

6. * How might you deal with the bitterness and anger that you may feel?

7. The name may sound like a delicacy you might find at an exclusive restaurant.

8. Nevertheless, there might be times that you may need to receive support from the congregation.

9. Bilberry and blueberry may look alike, but there are important differences you might not know

10. While representations of Citterns might suggest harmonious relationships, its presence may also evoke erotic overtones.

11. Much may hinge upon points that the typical executive might understandably regard as irritating technicalities.

12. For a moment, may I address how these principles might apply to a deacons quorum president.

13. The real reason may have nothing to do with what we might have said or done.

14. Can you imagine that your pet may be in pain and you might not know it?

15. The model as discussed may appear rather simplistic, and there are qualifications that might be made.

16. They may well have switching elements analogous to our neurons...... but their neurons might be different.

17. Will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, ought to, must, need are called Modal Auxiliaries.

18. Other browsers may work, but you might not be able to use all of the features.

19. Stresses, furthermore, that the margin under heading 2 might actually be lower, as market conditions may change;

20. They may point out the advantages of maintaining a healthful distance from what might be a “borderline” situation.

21. That might help a few Brainwashees see that some of the facts I’m about to present may seem shocking

22. The other monkeys might have been responding to a visual signal or they may have seen the leopard themselves.

23. Emotional acknowledgment may also be less effective in competitive settings, where people might question the intent of the Acknowledger

24. He will advise you on the inheritance tax your estate might incur and ways in which this may be reduced.

25. He might need help, he might have useful information.

26. The story might or might not have been apocryphal.

27. Still, someone might wonder: ‘Does that mean that I may have to wait a long time to see my loved one?

28. “I may be exhausted —and my work might have even gone unnoticed by others— but I know that I’ve accomplished something.”

29. The patient might rehearse in imagination the most constructive alternative so that he may readily adopt it if a crisis occurs.

30. What might?

31. Note that some traffic may be routed through a service provider’s proxy servers and so might not correctly reflect the user’s actual locations (for example, mobile carriers may proxy mobile traffic).

32. Displays of wealth can also be misleading. Folks can appear wealthy -- but the mansion may be fully mortgaged, the cars might be leased and the landscaper may still be awaiting payment.

33. Yes you might win the lottery and pigs might fly.

34. If your teacher reads your poem in front of the entire class, you may feel proud — or you might be Acutely embarrassed

35. The local congregation elders, however, may have experience in dealing with such problems and might be able to offer some practical advice.

36. While the position of Budtender may not have been as illustrious as you might have originally thought, the job is essential nonetheless

37. Weston, still Averting her eyes, and talking on with eagerness, that Emma might have time to recover— You may well be amazed

38. Obtain for me, I Beseech thee, a happy death, that I may praise and glorify thy might and kindness forever in heaven

39. To do this the player may search dead bodies for letters or micro-recorders which may contains information about the character, plot, passwords, and the method in which they might have died.

40. Ideally, one might Believe that the stock might perform worse than

41. Cpr might or might not work to re-start your heart

42. Might overcomes right.

43. This book may provide some wisdom as to what it might look like to start down the path of Connecting with one another.

44. Some Correspondence courses may be only for career or personal development, while others might offer college credit that can go towards a degree.

45. May we all, like Timothy, avoid doing anything that might make us ashamed—or make Jehovah ashamed of us!—2 Timothy 2:15.

46. If we had more courage at Goodison in facing up to the truth unpalatable though it may be things might begin to improve.

47. People might talk.

48. Might be broken.

49. Rarely, a Blaff may be odorless; more commonly, the Blaff is a symptom (some might say a benefit) of being mildly lactose intolerant

50. In addition, the vendor may invoice the buyer the bank charges and agios he might have supported due to the postponement of instalment.

51. Might is right.

52. Thought you might.

53. 'So you might accept their offer?' 'Yes, then again I might not.'

54. The smaller Animations might be sequential, or might partially or completely overlap

55. A lot of the species that we consider very important - like hake - things that are commercially fished here might be gone and replaced by other species that may or may not be commercially important.

56. Synonymously & Antonymously: Hate Nobody; What a codependent parent might say to guilt her child; And the singer is? May 19, 2016 11:32PM

57. While you might have heard of gun Bluing, or even owned blued firearms, what you may not know is how to do it yourself.

58. Anemones in particular require very specific water parameters and if they are not met, they may fail to thrive or they might die completely

59. “You must also make a parapet for your roof, that you may not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone . . . might fall from it.”

60. The lawyers might file a clemency petition, they might initiate even more complex litigation, or they might not do anything at all.

61. Might read it, “Oh, the Blessednesses!” and we may well regard it (as Ainsworth does) as a joyful acclamation of the gracious man’s felicity

62. John might be ready to help us, but then again, he might not.

63. Elaine's father might lend them the money, but then again he might not.

64. He might agree. But then again he might have a completely different opinion.

65. A nonverbal political communication might have enormous impact or might be completely ignored.

66. 44 – Although that might appear an absurd hypothesis, in the case of interim proceedings assumed as such, one might say by their nature, to be added to parallel main proceedings, it may none the less occur, as I shall emphasise below.

67. You might catch pleurisy.

68. I might even howl.

69. What might that include?

70. It might be appendicitis.

71. Oil might run out?

72. It might be transmittable.

73. This might surprise you.

74. Might make taxes easier.

75. You might get bruise.

76. Might take all night.

77. A coronary embolism might.

78. Then people might die?

79. It might mean diabetes .

80. But they might abstain.